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Flying Jindo
Dog Name
20 lbs
6 months
Rescued Story: When a mommy dog was rescued, and she was pregnant at that time, and Minsu was one of her puppies.
Characteristic: He is still a puppy, so playful runs so fast, eats fast, but doesn’t act disrespectfully. He follows the mealtime and potty trained mostly outside. He is neat. When the time caregiver prepares the meal, that is the only time he barks. He opens to everyone, but he gets a little shy to a person or a dog he never met before.
He is a bit skittish with a new environment.
Vaccination Record :
C.Influenza 3/29
Bordetella 3/29
Corona 3/29
Rabisin 4/12
Above 2 times
DHPPL(LEPTO) 3 times, last shot was 4/12