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Flying Jindo
Dog Name
6 months old(may of 2019)
This baby was only a couple of months old and covered in hundreds of ticks when he was rescued at a cemetery in Jeju island.
He was sent to a foster mom's place when he was around 4 months old but still he takes time to open to people.
A little bit of nomnom yumyum will do the trick but he would still observe you first rather than trusting you.
We suspect that he had rough beginning with hoomans as a puppy while roaming around and looking for food.
He is super good with other dogs and he just mingles in with other puppies at the foster mom's place.
We think what he needs is an unconditional love from his own furmom/furdad so he knows that there are also good people, that there aren't just bad people in this world.
Personality Test Scale
Male Adult
Female Adult
Other Dogs
Small Dog
Energy Level
How Skittish
Behavior Analysis Scale; the fewer hearts the better
Resource Guarding
Separation Anxiety
Pulling on Leash
Escape Artist
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